Milinda Perry
Life Coach RMT Certified
Tony Robbins / Cloe Medanes
As a Life coach I work with people like you find clarity as to why they haven\’t created and are not living the life they desire, and navigate through those new decisions.
Do you ever wonder why some people are happy and seem Fulfilled in life, Relationships, Finances, Health and Fitness? It\’s not because of luck or even strong will to endure, its how we see the world and the conversations we have with ourselves as to who we believe we are in the world.
Are you comfortable with your life staying exactly the same or are you ready to conquer your fear, own your decisions and create the life you desire?
\”To get something different we need to do something different\”
\”Dreaming is free doing isn\’t\”
Call for your free 30min consultation and \” TURN THE LIFE YOU HAVE INTO THE LIFE YOU WANT\”
Our Services
I work with people like you to help you achieve clarity.
Let\’s talk
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